Projects and recommendations
Clients I work with range from large organisations to start-ups, through various sectors. I can work on one-off campaigns or long term partnerships as an outsourced marketing department, covering all aspects of marketing from strategy planning to delivery. Please get in touch if you would like to know more about any of these clients or projects I supported.
Recommendations below are from my LinkedIn profile.
Sustainability projects
Launch of Microcredentials
Create Sustainability page
COP26 event and observer communications
Monthly marketing support
Content creation and communication
Ad-hoc marketing support
Website rebrand
Created fresh website (design and content)
Marketing consulting

Lucy Gilbert 🌱
Sustainability Communications, Data and Reporting Manager at The Open University
Michael Graham
*International speaker *Author *Revenue and Sales expert *Ironman Athlete *founder of SME Skills Academy
Anastasia Strokova â“‹
Principal Technical Program Manager,
Health and Wellness
January, 2022
Gabriella is a fantastic asset to any team. She has strong independent and team working skills and was integral when we were with setting up our institutional sustainability website. Gabriella produced the content and copy required, acted will diligence and professionalism and liaised with teams across the whole institution to get this done despite some difficult situations and conflicting priorities. Gabriella also lead on the administration of our ten strong COP26 delegation and was extremely effective, conscientious and efficient in doing so. Gabriella was keen to join the sustainability team and support with implementing our sustainability vision and has been a delight to work with.
January, 2022
Gabriella is more than an outsourced marketing agency, she is a partner. She has experience in B2B marketing and communications, adding tremendous value and saving time for us when it comes to relationship building with our potential clientele. Not only will she launch a great integrated marketing campaign, she will get vested in our business goals and continue to optimise until we achieve them.
January, 2022
I truly enjoyed working with Gabriella on the website project for my health coaching business. As somebody who is plant-based, it was important for me to work with a professional who upholds the same values and principles. Gabi went above and beyond to ensure that the website truly reflected me and what I stand for, I love looking at my website now at healthmatters.today! Gabi even gave me marketing tips and did additional research - something that we did not even discuss, and she did all that because she cares and wants you to be successful. Add on top of that how organized and on point she is and you have yourself a wonderful marketing professional to work with!

Global ISVs Programme
Worked with the corporate team of Microsoft on delivering a global marketing research program focusing on Global ISVs and their solutions.
James Taylor
Commercial DirectorCommercial Director
The Marketing Practice
January, 2023
Gabi worked for me whilst at Kingpin / TMP for around 2 years. I brought her in initially to work on a short term project we were running for Microsoft. During that initial project Gabi showed a fantastic set of skills that meant I retained her for as long as possible, She took on one of our major programs not only managing and delivering the day to day elements of a very complex, technical program but also leading the reporting, client management and strategy development. In addition, she managed a team of people that were in play to help deliver the program. She quickly became recognised by Microsoft as a fundamental part of our key project team. I could not recommend her higher - one of the best hires I have ever made.
Marketing Director
Marketing Consulting on Corporate Initiative S.P.
Created fresh website (design and content)
Corporate Marketing
Research and strategic planning to enter the corporate market
Delivery of communication
Example creative
Research, planning and delivery of The Art of Travel Afternoon Tea Marketing Campaign

Darina Bockman
Global Finance Programs Director at CBRE; Founder and President of Vegan Leaders in Corporate Management
Amell B. Amatino
Joel Claustre MCA
Operations director at Bill's Restaurants
(Previously Operations Director at Searcys)
January, 2022
January, 2022
September, 2020
Gabi joined our organization’s core management team in 2020, and quickly distinguished herself as the “heavy hitter” of the team.
She has it all: a vision, bold ideas and an understanding of what’s needed to turn an idea into a tangible result. For example, in 2021 she virtually single-handedly overhauled our large website: she pushed for the idea, picked the new tech platform, researched and proposed the best master style, and then transformed all the content.
Later during the same year, she led an initiative to overhaul our member relationship management process. She came up with a new tech solution which dramatically cut down manual processing and co-led the project to implement this change.
In addition to all this, she has been a key strategic voice on our Board, continuously pointing out good ideas and completing action items with an immediate turnaround. She has done all this for us pro bono while juggling a major paid work assignment for a client. She has been contributing at a nearly superhuman level with consistency, dedication and wisdom.
It is such an honour and pleasure to work with such a talented and driven person. Gabriella is very knowledgeable and have great insight into how we can best reach new, relevant and potential clients.
She proved that she is very conscientious and dedicated to her work and always goes above and beyond to get the job done! She took her time to truly understanding our product, offers and what we are trying to achieve and led initiatives to improve our marketing tactics.
Gabriella's positive approach and attention to detail would make her a real asset to any team.
You can rely on Gabriella to always come up with creative marketing campaigns and deliver marketing plans on time, and on budget. She is analytical, organised and capable of controlling the challenges of complex project management to ensure targets are achieved. She is also personable, knowledgeable and experienced, I would highly recommend her as a marketing professional.
Book publishing
Research, strategic marketing planning and communication of Melanie Joy's Powerarchy book launch in Hungary
Award entry & win
Awarded the Best Christmas Party Venue at the London Venue Awards 2017 (planning, photoshoot, creative etc.)
Brand creation
Creating the logo, content, branding and style guide and the website for this SME Skills Academy sister company

Izabella Rémán
Publishing, Translation, Communication
Josephine Phipps
Managing Director at Illuminate Digital
January, 2022
Gabi marketing és kommunikációs önkéntesként dolgozik kiadónkkal Melanie Joy, egyik legismertebb és legsikeresebb vegán társadalmi aktivista életművének elérhetÅ‘vé tételében a magyar közönség számára. Nagyon inspiráló Gabival együtt dolgozni, mert pontosan érti a feladatot, figyel a közös célok megvalósítására, de szuper saját ötletei is vannak. Rendkívül precíz, kitartó és következetes. Öröm vele együtt dolgozni, reméljük, még sokáig segíti a munkánkat. Jó szívvel ajánlom munkatársként más cégeknek, csapatoknak is, akik olyan projekteken dolgoznak, amelyek Gabi szívügyei is. Mindent, és még annál is többet meg fog tenni a közös sikerért.
November, 2017
Gabi is a very proficient Marketing Manager. We have worked together on some exciting projects and she is not only very efficient at managing these projects, but also managing the team of people to help deliver them. Gabi would give 200% to any role and be a great asset to any team.

Adarsh Shah
Corporate Working Capital Expert: Specialising in using innovative Cashflow Solutions
September, 2021
Great value for money - this is a real compliment from someone within the finance arena! Gabriella delivered the agreed marketing project for a new JV - on time and on budget, she’s efficient, a great listener and an expert marketer. I would highly recommend her marketing services.